As Case Manager Team Leader, Sue has been instrumental in making sure that all BGF clients, past and present, know that support is there for them during COVID-19. During lockdown, Sue spoke to us and discussed reconnecting with past clients, working from home and visiting BGF clients in person.
When COVID-19 health restrictions began to be imposed, Sue directed BGF’s team of Case Workers and Case Managers to contact both existing and former clients and ask if they needed any assistance. This proved a very successful initiative for all involved.
"For most of them, they were doing fine and they appreciated the call, but for some of them, this telephone interaction with BGF was very welcome, particularly with some clients from isolated areas. It was also a great way for our staff to engage with existing clients and reconnect with old ones. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive from everyone which is great."
Working from home has been a significant adjustment for Sue, but she has successfully adapted her day-to-day life around her new work premises and little has changed in terms of the work she does with her team.
"I’m not a huge fan of working from home. I like the structure of an office environment and having a morning and after work routine. I also miss the face to face interaction with staff and clients around the office."
"So, three mornings a week I’m up at 5:30am and off to boot-camp which starts at 6:00am. Then I’m usually home by 7:00am, I feed and take the dog out and then I have breakfast, catch up on the world and then it’s off to my working from home “office.” Then it’s pretty much business as usual for me although there is a lot more effort put into staying connected with my team and keeping them engaged."
Sue looks forward to the easing of COVID-19 restrictions from the perspective of both her working environment and clients. Not only will the BGF office be able to reopen, allowing her and her colleagues to see each other on a day-to-day basis again, but face-to-face meetings with clients will also be able to resume.
"One positive I am seeing now that restrictions are being lifted, is that now we can meet with clients in person, albeit in a park or café, and meeting with clients in a relaxed atmosphere is beneficial to everyone and makes the whole process enjoyable."