Correction issued for misleading HIV article
BGF is pleased to share some news regarding a complaint we lodged to the Australian Press Council about a misleading headline published in the Daily Telegraph on 2 December 2024.
The article, titled ‘Immigrants raise level of new HIV cases in Australia,’ inaccurately suggested that migrants were responsible for an increase in HIV cases in Australia. This is false and BGF wholeheartedly disagrees with the Daily Telegraph’s reporting.
In response to our complaint, the Daily Telegraph has issued the following correction:
A headline in an article in the print edition of The Daily Telegraph (2/12/24) stated migrants were raising the level of new HIV cases in Australia. In fact, overall HIV notifications in Australia have fallen by 33 per cent in the past decade. The Kirby Institute, instead, found that while total cases were decreasing, there was a 21.5 per cent increase in HIV notifications among people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, highlighting the need for HIV education in these communities. The Daily Telegraph regrets the error.
BGF Programs Manager, Ruan Uys also contributed to the article in good faith and the implication that he shared the same views as the Daily Telegraph is untrue and emphatically denied.
Nick Lawson, CEO of BGF said “HIV is, and has always been, a public health concern that transcends borders, cultures and sexualities. Australia’s response has been world-leading precisely because it is based in solidarity, not division. It is crucial that media outlets uphold their responsibility to inform the public without perpetuating stigma.”
He went on to say “BGF remains steadfast in our mission to serve all communities, including those disproportionately impacted by HIV and to promote dignity, respect and inclusion for all."
We would like to thank the Australian Press Council for their swift response and action.